ELC cleans up
ELC cleans up
As avid readers of our Blogs and loyal followers of our Facebook page, you will certainly be familiar with ELC’s ecological values. Indeed, we have very recently even bought an electric bicycle in order to leave only a stream of joy and a smile when travelling to and from our dear students’! And it is FUN!
But on Saturday 7thSeptember, we left our bicycles chained up at the office and headed to the spectacular scenery of the Catalan Beach, equipped with rubber gloves, bin bags and a flask of coffee, to clean up.
The event was organized by the very fabulous Pure Ocean foundation https://www.pure-ocean.orgalong with the Cercle des Nageurs and held simultaneously on the beach, out at sea by eco-friendly sailors, underwater by undefeatable snorkelers and brave souls on the silty bottom of the Vieux Port.
And by the end of the morning, the following had been collected: 3,800 litres of waste including 402 plastic bottles, 382 cans, 339 plastic bottles and 10,000 cigarette butts.
Now granted, we at ELC were not responsible for the whole of this 3,800 litre haul, but we did find some interesting trinkets on our treasure hunt, notably thousands of little coloured balls which remain a mystery to this day. Any answers would be welcome from fellow eco-warriors.
See you at the next clean-up!