



For many years ELC has been working with the legal profession: both with such prestigious law firms as Capstan, la  SAJE, PINT, Lex Phocéa, Favarel & Associés and more …. , and at the Maison de l’Avocat where we train groups of lawyers, paralegals and expert witnesses to battle it out in court in English à la “Ally McBeal”.

Hence, we have always been intrigued by the law and have a deep sense of justice so when we heard that there had been a heinous murder no further than on our precious Vieux Port in Marseille, we were appalled!

No sooner had we heard than we donned our Sherlock Holmes hats and made our way to the centre of activity and logged onto the application CluedUpp where we discovered the details of the crime!

From there we were transported back in time to 1919 and the era of the “Sneaky Finders” and learnt that one of the gang leaders had been stabbed to death, possibly with witnesses. Our job was then to catch up with the dodgy characters around the Canebière and the Vieux Port (of which there seemed to be no shortage, funnily enough) and interrogate them to see what they knew about the day’s events. So exciting!

For the next three hours, your ELC sleuths could be seen skirting the bars and stalking the avenues of the town centre, smartphones in our hands, ready to track down witnesses, eliminate suspects and finally put the cuffs on the culprit and did we do it ….?

No! We were truly and completely useless, which just proves that we are better suited to a profession of teaching the complexities of the diphthong and the present perfect rather than hunting down killers on the place Charles de Gaulle. Although we did have a nice hot chocolate in the Samaritan when things got too tough.   

But would we recommend the game? Yes, we absolutely would! The whole thing is a cross between Cluedo and Pokémon Go, there is lots of chasing virtual suspects down the street and the whole thing is in English!

So, if you are looking for a fun weekend event, check out whether there is another event near you! It’s dead good!

We support you with your funding requests!