
How to train a trainer

How to train a trainer ...3
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How to train a trainer

This month, ELC has been concentrating on training the team. Because, even training companies … or should I say especially training companies, train. (Are you following?)

Very often, too often, we hear ‘I don’t have time to train. I’m the CEO of a FTSE company / I am working on my own and am trying to single-handedly invent the 3D printed chocolate éclair / I have a team of Gen Zs to manage …. I don’t have time to train. I already work 80 hours a week! Do you want to kill me?

But noooooo. Good training allows you to think outside the box, good training helps you get a little perspective from your job and see things in a different way. A good trainer helps trigger brilliant new ideas….

So, this month, ELC elicited help from Fatiha Mennis, founder and consultant at DOME Consulting who is specialized, among other things, in the personality profile model called Process Com. We started out with a questionnaire of 40 minutes which asked us how we would feel in various scenarios, and then we learnt about the different personality types, their reactions, very often their faces and how they reacted under stress and the results were ….

Katie – empathetic and imaginative which explains why everyone loves her and her cartoons, her games and her ideas for social media japes.

Daniel – imaginative and analytical, which explains why he often needs to retire to the Calanques before imagining new spreadsheets for us.

Nick – perseverant, which explains why he has managed to learn 4 languages and read every novel under the sun. What a man.

Amy – empathetic and promoter. This profile is known for having the most wrinkles from sympathizing and effervescing. Good to know how that happened!

Our second training course was with Yves Decottognies, consultant for Cap Elan, a training organisation specialized, among other things, in management and office software applications. The team called on them after Amy had a particularly violent altercation with her Mac Book Pro while preparing the Bilan Pédagogique et Financier on a spreadsheet.

Yves was as patient as a saint during our 2 days, and we have come away being able to prepare the perfect documents.

As you can observe from the photos, our Process Com personalities all came to the forefront. Daniel came into his own, blasting through the exercises like a warrior. Katie was all about the collaboration, and Amy effervesced, found the whole thing fabulous and got one more wrinkle.

Thank you, Fatiha!
Thank you, Yves!
Thank you, Cap Élan!

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