
ELC celebrates its 20th anniversary …. !

elc sept 24

ELC celebrates its 20th anniversary …. !

Yes 20th anniversary! We know it’s difficult to believe, particularly because we all look like we are still in our early thirties, but WE ARE 20! If I can take you through a vortex to 2004 … picture a much younger version of Nick and I, fresh-faced and full of hope, starting English Language Consulting with nothing but a pen and a pocketful of loyal students (not literally in our pockets of course. Most of them are much too big!) ….

Having already worked together since 1993, it was only a matter of time before Nick and I set up as partners and 2004 seemed to be the perfect time.

My daughter Lili had been born in 2002, my daughter Lucie in 2003, so it was only natural to carry on the series and give birth to ELC the following year.

We were very lucky because we were supported by our fabulous historical clients, la Banque Martin Maurel, now Rothschild Martin Maurel, Onet and Hom with whom we are STILL working 20 years later. Thank you for your continued support and for entrusting your precious staff to us. We think you’re great.

ELC continued like this for 8 years until, in 2012, Nick made a courageous move to the south of Italy to start a new life, returning to Marseille for intensive training courses whenever he could. We never lost touch, and Nick is still an integral part of the team today, working remotely from Apulia. I have known him longer than my life partner. He is my work husband.

Katie joined the ranks in 2018, bringing creativity, bounce and good humour to the team. Without her, ELC would not be what it is today as she is wholly responsible for our social networks and all the mad things we do on ELC-TV.

Daniel joined the team in 2020, bringing serenity and stability to a team of dreamers. He set up systems of data sharing, organized our weeks and made us into an organized team. He is our rock, and we couldn’t imagine ELC without him.

We are also very grateful to Sheila and Paul, who, although not full-time trainers, are valued members of the team and fabulous coaches.

In 2024, Lara joined the team, bringing her lightness of being, her optimism and her ability to read a spreadsheet and Amy’s mind. She is our Qualiopi goddess.

 Since 2019, Qualiopi has brought all sorts of additional challenges to the company, but has also forced us to focus, structure ourselves and look at ourselves objectively. We have a whole range of different people who come to see us for advice every day: bankers, lawyers, people from marketing, finance, logistics, the maritime sector and since joining the BNI business network, entrepreneurs of all shapes and sizes.

Every single person who comes through our doors brings us ‘gold’ in terms of enthusiasm, anecdotes, knowledge, complicity and laughs, and we think we are the luckiest band of people in the country.

If we are still here and growing after 20 years, it is because you have supported us year after year, so we’d like to say thank you! We think you’re WONDERFUL !

In 20 years’ time, I will be 73 and hopefully no longer working! But I hope very much that many of you are still in touch, and we can reminisce about happy times together … in English of course!

We support you with your funding requests!