

A few words about English Language Consulting

Our students testify

We work with businesses of all different sizes, but no matter the size we maintain the same commitment to customer satisfaction.

Excellent services from this training organization.

Varied, personalized lessons, with quality trainers, a very good dynamic, an adapted rhythm, and in a very pleasant atmosphere. Class time passes very quickly. My level of English has improved significantly (including my ability to converse on the phone and follow / participate in a meeting in full English). Very positive experience. I recommend this organization.
Août 2022

I have been using ELC for many years in my professional banking situation and Amy has helped me improve my English

I have been using ELC for many years in my professional banking situation and Amy has helped me improve my English. ELC adapts very easily to all needs: conversation, grammatical exercises, oral presentation, preparation for the TOEIC, exchanges on current political and financial subjects.... You can even use your training account. Real coaching with a dynamic team!!! 😎
Marie Hélène
Septembre 2022

Thanks to Amy and her help for the administrative side

Thanks to Amy and her help for the administrative side, everything was so simple and so easy! My thanks to Katie who was a great teacher. It really didn't feel like taking lessons... And yet I learned a lot and conversed at length in English! I was always happy and excited to go to my classes. The content of the courses, the exercises... everything was tailor-made and perfectly adapted. ELC offers an intelligent and subtle concept for learning and improving English. It's fun, educational and rewarding. Now that I am convinced of the concept and the benefits obtained, I plan to continue my training with them. I highly recommend!
Septembre 2022

A great team of English teachers.

The English lessons are adapted to the needs of professionals of all kinds, even for technical vocabulary. They can be trusted to take care of your needs!
Octobre 2022

Quite simply the best team of English trainers in all of Marseille.

Quite simply the best team of English trainers in all of Marseille. Special thanks to Katie who helped me so much to pass my professional exam.
Octobre 2022

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